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Shop Manager

Workstation monitoring, job tracking, material logistics and quality control

Visibility and Control Where You Need It

The Shop Manager applications enable remote access for work supervisors throughout operations for monitoring progress, providing feedback, directing transport and delivery, and managing the project. Shop Manager also informs the system with real-time intelligence of job status from everywhere in the shop.

Modular to Fit Your Needs

Shop Manager can provide control in up to six ways through these individual modules:

  • Shop Floor Feedback
  • Data Hub
  • Lift
  • Receiving
  • Shipping
  • Quality Manager
  • Shop Clock
Shop Manager

Shop Floor Data Capture

Real-time dashboard for production feedback at the machine

Shop Floor Data Capture (SFDC) combines accurate data on machine run cycles, operator time and attendance into one fully-integrated system that allows a clear view of current job progress and statistics for work orders, operators, and departments. Fabricators can balance labor costs by shift, work order, project, or department for better control.

Production Insight

SFDC is an easy access point to review and report inventory levels, worker checkpoints, and productivity data. Instantly view current job progress and quality by employee, job, department, or work-center. Regulate non-conformances, reject defective parts, and track the full production cycle of re-processed parts.

Evolves Existing Systems

Shop Floor Data Capture enhances reporting and tracking capabilities by providing labels or summaries per workstation with barcodes or QR codes. SFDC offers a central application to administer operation and process assignments that employees can readily login and access.

Data Hub

Remote access to production data

Data Hub is a viewer application that allows users on the shop floor to look up job data from a tablet or smart phone browser. Data Hub can display lists and status of work orders, jobs and quotes, without revealing any financial data. Users can also use Data Hub to find inventory locations and sheet quantities.


Browser app for shop floor logistics

SigmaLIFT browser app works on any mobile device or tablet to easily manage the movement of stock throughout operations. User-friendly interface enables barcode scanning throughout the app for a paperless trail that is fully integrated with the SigmaSUITE platform.

Users can transfer stock among locations, deliver cut list materials to the proper workstation, and move dispatches to charter. SigmaLIFT tracks say remnants that are created from a program to return to the proper location for future use.


Browser access for receiving and Inventory

SigmaRECEIVE browser app works on any mobile device to simplify receiving shipments and booking to inventory while automatically updating your MRP/ERP system. Users can receive shipments according to purchase order through any smartphone or tablet without displaying financial details such as cost and price.

  • Receive shipments based on purchase order data
  • Review material already received and booked into inventory
  • Record actual quantity and size of material received
  • Create Goods Received Notes (GRNs)
  • Book material into inventory with notes about location, heat number, etc.
  • Reserve stock for customers


Browser access for point of shipping

SigmaSHIPPING browser app works on any mobile device to simplify shipping throughout the operation while automatically updating the SigmaMRP data record. Users can access pertinent shipping data through any smartphone or tablet without displaying financial details such as cost and price.

  • Track outgoing shipments
  • Add accurate shipping weight and price
  • Divide deliveries based upon allowable package weight limits
  • Create shipping notes
  • Print packing slips

Shop Clock

Integrated app for time and labor

Shop Clock allows all employees across the facility from production to front office to clock in and out of work for shifts and breaks. Management can create shifts and break times and assign a work calendar to employees. A log of time punches can be exported in CSV format and imported for use in any major payroll software.

Quality Manager

Quality Manager (QMS) software helps customers target and maintain ISO9001 quality certification. Users can log non-conformance reports (NCRs) for any deviance from material, process or part specification. Logs can contain detailed notes, document and pictures, as well as a full change history.

Quality Manager users can create CAPAs (Corrective Action/Preventative Action plans) to record and address repeated issues. CAPAs can also contain reports, details, documents and history log and well as links from NCRs filed against the issue.

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